Sunday, October 28, 2012

High Rollers Calendar Link

Hey Readers,

Make sure to check out our Calender Link below Important Links to the left to see our schedule for the rest of the semester.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Team Strategy and Machine Concept

Our strategy is to collect the heavy red squash balls from the top ledge of the arena and deposit them in our goal.  To accomplish this we have designed a machine to climb the hill and reach on to the ledge with an arm and scoop mechanism, which can rotate to either side of the machine, to knock the balls off the ledge and down the hill into the collection area under the chassis of our car.  The balls stay confined by flaps on either side of the machine that only swing inwards to allow the entry of balls but not their escape.  As a back up strategy we can also use our arm and collection system to collect the black penalty balls and deposit them in the opponents goal instead.  This is the first version of our concept and strategy (from design review).